This website and forums are for those interested in the South Maitland and Richmond Vale Railways, their past and current operations. It is also for those with an interest in other long closed lower Hunter coal lines.
UPDATED - June 11th, 2017
EMAIL - PRHS. Society @ gmail . com (Remove Spaces)

SMR10 in steam at East Greta Junction - Photo: Stephen Carr
Contributions are urgently needed.
Please contact us if you can help.
Maps - Diagrams - Photographs - Information - News

Want to talk to other people with a similar interest in
old Hunter coal lines?
Please come and join us on our Hunter Diamonds Yahoogroup to talk about all things related to the Hunter coal railways, past and present. Come meet others with a similar interest. Or seach for the 'South Maitland and Richmond Vale Railway SIG Forum' group on Facebook for the latest news and information.
'Coming Soon'
Neath Hotel Page
News sections are finally commenced.

If the South Maitland Railways are not just a bunch of coal lines but a passion.
Then you have found the website and forums for you.
Welcome Aboard!
Neath - Wayne Eade